Town Planner Photo Contest
We are looking for iconic photos of our region!
Photographers whose photo are chosen for one or more of the editions of our calendar will win some Town Planner "bling" and our undying gratitude!
Selected photos will be featured in one or more of the 8 local area editions of the 2026 Town Planner
calendar mailed to 70,000+ local households this
Your photos can be a part of the region’s favorite resource for events and money saving offers; The Town Planner! This December we will be mailing to over 70,000+ homes in Allegany and Garrett counties in Maryland, Mineral, Hampshire, Hardy and Grant counties in West Virginia and Bedford
and Somerset** counties Pennsylvania! We’re looking for captivating photographs
showcasing the region’s scenery, history, landmarks, or anything spectacular that
has caught your eye! Categories for the calendar should reflect the months, holidays,
and/or four seasons of the year. Submissions should be in landscape format
Final printed size of the photos is 7.25” wide x 5.327 (2175 px x 1598 px) tall for inside
the calendar, and 11.75” wide by 11” tall for the cover. (3525 px x 3300 px)
Selected photos will be featured in one or more of the nine local area editions of the Town Planner 2026 calendar, which will be distributed to over 70,000 residences this December. Selected photos may also be featured on the Town Planner web site.
Photographers whose photos are selected will receive recognition for their photos in the calendar including name, city, email and/or website if applicable.
Where to submit entries? Entries can be emailed to Town Planner:
All entries must be received by July 15, 2025
1. Submission is open to amateur and professional area photographers, By submitting your photos, you are affirming that the photos are your own, taken by you, and you have full rights to the photos.
2. No entry fee is required. (*Bedford and **Somerset County editions are in conjunction with local photography clubs and may have membership and or entry fee requirements. See bottom pf this page for more information.)
3. Entries must be received by July 15, 2024 with final judging completed by August 30, 2024
4. All photographs must be high resolution of at least 300 dpi at 100%. (2175 px x 1598 px) tall for inside the calendar, and 11.75” wide by 11” tall for the cover. (3525 px x 3300 px).
Most digital cameras are set to reproduce at least this resolution. If you are unsure of the
resolution of your photo, email it to us and we can tell you if resolution is acceptable.
Note: Photos saved in social media such as Facebook are not acceptable as the media
typically downsizes them. Please send original photo
5. Clearly label within the body of your email: your name, address, phone number and specific location of each photo. Any other helpful information about the photo(s) is also appreciated. Please label subject line of your email, photo submission. You will receive an acknowledgement email from us of having received.. We reserve the right to reproduce and use, with credit to the photographer, all submissions.
6. Submissions of photos permits Prinline Publishing of Westernport, MD, publisher of the Town Planner to use your photographs in the calendar, website, magazines, e-newsletter and other company marketing materials and/or publications that we may produce (with photographer credits).
7. Selected photos featuring distinguishable human subjects will require a signed photo release by the subject, before publication. Photos with minor children must have parents or guardian signed permission.
8. Submission of photographs is not a guarantee of acceptance for publication for the Town Planner calendars.
9. All photographers, whose photos are selected, will receive 3-4 copies of the Town Planner calendar.
10. Questions? Email us at or phone 304.813.7093
11. There is no limit as to the number of photos that you may submit,
12. Already sent us a photo for possible inclusion in the 2025 calendar? It/they will automatically be entered into the contest!
**Photos for the Somerset County edition must be submitted through the Laurel Highlands Photography Friends. Information and submission guidelines can be found on their Facebook page
If you are unable to email your photos to us due to size constraints of your files email us for a drop box link where you can easily download your photos